Events Archive: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
January 2016
2016 Toward Harmony with Nature Conference
2016 Toward Harmony with Nature Conference?website
February 2016
Annual Meeting, Potluck Dinner
March 2016
Designing a Native Planting Using Drifts of Color
Rosemary Eiden, former landscape designer for McKay Nursery, describes how to design your native garden planting using drifts of color, an alternative to the informal prairie meadow look. Explore the concept of using multiple plants in groupings of color and texture in your yard. ?Social, 7:00 pm Program
April 2016
Workshop / Designing Your Native Planting Using Drifts of Color
Rosemary Eiden will help you create a design for your yard. Bring the following information about the area you wish to plan:?dimensions, permanent features (buildings, fences, trees, etc.), sun and shade areas.? Register by contacting Rosemary at 920-233-1327 or [email protected] - $15 materials fee. *March 31st design talk a prerequisite.
Shoreline Restoration
Chad Casper, Winnebago Co. Land & Water Resource Conservationist, and Melanie Leet, Conservation Technician, will speak about designing shoreline buffers and their environmental benefits. ?6:30 pm Social, 7:00 pm Program
May 2016
Native Plant Sale and Order Pick-Up
(Order form in Feb/March?newsletter & webpage) Contact: Sharon Ziebert (920) 410-6932
Full day tour Racine/Kenosha Area
Will include a stop at the Chiwaukee Prairie, a recently designated International Wetland of Importance. We hope to see shooting stars in bloom and the endangered Blandings Turtle. Lunch at Infisimos, a popular Italian restaurant in Racine, and then a stop at Northwind Perennial Farm for a tour and shopping.?Registration information is?in the April/May newsletter. ? may tour flyer
June 2016
Shrub and Tree ID at the Wild Center
Ben French from Johnson?s Nursery, will walk the grounds of the Wild Center for shrub & tree identification, followed by a slide show of native trees and shrubs for your landscape. ?6:30 pm Social, 7:00 pm Program
July 2016
Tour Langner Property
Four acres of rolling prairie surround a small pond. This 15-yr-old planting has much diversity and beauty. Master Gardner, Kay Langner, will lead us on a guided tour of her grounds.
August 2016
Wild Ones (National) Annual Conference Weekend
All members welcome
Show Me, Tell Me - Rebecca Eyer and Tom Swaya Property
Connie Ramthun, owner of Kettle Moraine Natural Landscaping and garden design consultant, will ?show? us the gardens and ?tell? ways to improve the native habitat and design. This long, narrow residential lot on Lake Winnebago has been transformed into a more-native landscape with emphasis on reducing turf and attracting butterflies.
September 2016
Tour Sullivan?s Woods and Prairie
Friends of Sullivan's Woods will show an introductory DVD followed by a tour of the property.
Native Tree and Shrub Sale
Pre-order pick-up only (Order form in August/September newsletter and on webpage)
Contact: Tim McKeag -? [email protected]
Seed gathering
Members only. ?See the August-September newsletter for locations.
October 2016
Natural Dying Using Native Plant Material
Loris Damerow will share some of the history and methods of natural dying. Participants will create a dyed silk scarf to take home. Materials cost is $5.
November 2016
Audubon Partner Meeting-Native Plants and Birds, "Stopover Initiative?
Kim Grveles will discuss the work of the Wisconsin Stopover Initiative including: Migratory birds and why stopover habitats are important to their survival; the significance of the Great Lakes region, particularly Wisconsin's Lake Michigan basin; helpful backyard habitat features, as well as easy contributions you can make to benefit migratory birds.