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February 2021
2021 Annual Membership Meeting
Summer Dreams: That’s the theme of our program for the 2021 Annual Membership meeting. After a brief (under 15 minutes) business meeting, we’ll have a virtual get-together to share our summer experiences and plans. The business meeting will include financial and membership reports, but the main purpose of the meeting is to elect a new WOFVA Chapter President and Vice President.
Once the business is done, participants will have an opportunity to share their accomplishments from last summer or plans for next year with fellow members. If you’re tired of the cold of winter and dreaming about summer's beauty, or have memories to share of your native landscape or plans for summer rejuvenation, plan to join us and catch up with other Chapter members.
The Annual Meeting and Program is scheduled for Feb. 13 at 1:30pm. Instructions for sharing photos and how to sign-in to the meeting will be sent by email. If you can’t attend on Feb. 13, you can vote for the Chapter Officers on-line.
March 2021
2021 Native Plant, Tree and Shrub Sale Order Submission DEADLINE
The 2021 Native Plane, Tree and Shrub order form and check must be mailed by March 31, 2021, to:
Wild Ones Native Plant Sale
PO Box 385
Appleton, WI 54912
Click here to download the order form
April 2021
Zoom Presentation - Our Living Ancestors: The History and Ecology of Old Growth Forests in Wisconsin
Join a Zoom presentation to view a recording of northern Wisconsin naturalist, John Bates, taking us on a walk through the forest. Moderated by Joy Perry.
John will present a discussion of the ecological history and human history of northern Wisconsin forests. He describes remaining old growth forests in the upper Midwest and their values. John’s talk is based in part on his recent book, Our Living Ancestors: The History and Ecology of Old Growth Forests in Wisconsin and Where to Find Them.
Please register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
May 2021
Order Pickup (Pre-Orders Only)
Pick-Up for pre-ordered plants will be on Saturday, May 22, 2021, from 9 AM-2 PM, at:
WILD Center
2285 Butte des Morts Beach Rd.
Town of Fox Crossing, WI, 54956
As we did in 2020, we will plan order pickup times to provide safe conditions for both our volunteers and people picking up their orders. That may mean staggered hours or additional dates for pickups to avoid crowding. Watch this website and your email for more information, as we get closer to the sale date.
We are no longer accepting pre-orders for 2021, and there will be no open sale this year. We hope to have an open sale again next year.
June 2021
Camelot Pond Prairie and Gottfried Prairie Tours
With approval from the city of Fond Du Lac, Dorothy Messner started a prairie near her home near Camelot Pond in 2015. Dorothy will guide us on a tour of the prairie and also a nearby oak savannah she is working to restore. She will share the steps taken to bring this project to fruition.
Please park near Dorothy’s home on Stone Castle Drive. The prairie is adjacent.
76 Stone Castle Dr.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Afterwards, drive to the UW-Fond du Lac campus and ramble through the Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum. WOFVA member, Connie Ramthun, will lead a tour of two wildflower gardens she is responsible for planting at the prairie.
400 University Dr.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
July 2021
Bernie Meyer Garden Tour
Bernie Meyer, the Barefoot Gardener, will lead us on a tour around the 16-acre slice of the family farm that she began to cultivate in 1978.
She began with only a row of red pines and wild roses at the end of their private road in rural Neenah. It is now a natural garden oasis blooming with native plants and an inviting water habitat.
116 Armstrong St.
Neenah, WI 54956
August 2021
Dennis Nagan Pond and Garden Tour
Back by popular demand, tour the property with homeowner Dennis Nagan, who transformed his city lot into a wildlife habitat for attracting birds, bees and butterflies.
Dennis will outline the work of installing a large pond feature on his property. His covered shelter will come in handy in case of rain
2812 Schaefer Circle, Appleton WI 54915
October 2021
Jim LaLuzerne Garden Tour
Insect-friendly native plants and habitat are the hallmarks of this unique property. Created from a barren former cornfield it now hosts well over two hundred native plants with an emphasis on woody species. Built around a small lake, other water features, and interesting structures, this country garden has one of the largest assortments of native plants in the state.
This is a chance to see a variety of unusual mature trees and shrubs in a natural setting. This 23-acre property is located four miles south of East De Pere.
4238 Pouwels Court,
De Pere, WI 54115
November 2021
Audubon Partner Meeting: From birds to bur oaks. Butterflies to blazing star. Prairies to natural gardens.
From birds to bur oaks. Butterflies to blazing star. Prairies to natural gardens.
Thursday, November 18
6:30 pm Social; 7:00 pm Program
Evergreen Retirement Community
(Lower Level)
1130 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh
We look forward to our joint meeting with Wild Ones Fox Valley Chapter every November and this program should be especially interesting. Learn what is happening at UW Oshkosh to enhance its sustainable and environmentally friendly goals and practices. They are planting many native plants - prairies and wetlands - and putting up bird houses, bat houses and more. UWO Grounds Supervisor, Lisa Mick; UWO Lecturer/Biology Dept., Shannon Davis-Foust; and UWO Sustainability Director, Brad Spanbauer, will be our guides.
PLEASE NOTE: Evergreen requires that residents and visitors wear masks inside the buildings. Visitors are required to screen for Covid. This can be done inside Door 1 (main entrance) on meeting night. We will have someone stationed at Door 1 a half hour before the meeting to expedite the screening process and direct you to the meeting room.