
Events Archive: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events

January 2019


23rd Annual Toward Harmony with Nature Conference

This event has ended
Saturday, January 19th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Watch for information in the fall edition of the WOFVA newsletter and on conference website:

February 2019


Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner

This event has ended
Thursday, February 28th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Join us for our annual membership meeting this year in Oshkosh; year-end review, officer’s slate, and fun. Bring a dish to pass. Beverages, plates and utensils will be provided. Meet in the Howard and Ruth Rolland rooms.

April 2019


Native Bees and Bee House Construction

This event has ended
Thursday, April 25th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Josh Jensen and Emily Lukacs of J & E Apiary in Clintonville will present on the benefits of native bees and how to encourage their presence in the gardens and fields we depend on. Make a mason bee “home” to install in your own yard.

May 2019


Pop up tour at Sullivan's Woods!

This event has ended
Sunday, May 12th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Treat Mom to a wildflower walk on Mother's Day! There will be a pop up tour of spring ephemerals this Sunday at 1:30 at Sullivan's Woods. Located about 20 minutes west of Oshkosh. Park on the south side of the road. Keep in mind it is tick season (but hopefully no mosquitoes yet).  Map to Sullivan's Woods.


Native Plant Sale and Order Pick-Up

This event has ended
Saturday, May 18th, 2019
to (Central Time)

The annual WOFVA plant sale offers regionally sourced native forbs, grasses, shrubs and trees at reasonable prices. Proceeds from the sale go to further the environmental mission of the Wild Ones Fox Valley Area Chapter. For inquiries contact:
• Spring Plant Sales: Pat & Dick Filzen (920) 754-4235
[email protected]
• Spring Tree & Shrub Sales: Everett Grosskopf (920) 470-6325
[email protected]
• Order form in the WOFVA winter newsletter & on website:
• Pre-Orders are due March 31, 2019

June 2019


Native Orchids with Rob Zimmer

This event has ended
Saturday, June 1st, 2019
to (Central Time)

Naturalist, photographer, and writer, Rob Zimmer will lead us on a hunt for native orchids and other unusual bog plants through portions of the 15,000 acre Navarino Wildlife Area. Gather outside the Navarino Nature Center at 9 to begin the tour. For car-pooling information call WOFVA (920) 572-9540


Nagan Pond and Garden

This event has ended
Thursday, June 27th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Tour the property with homeowner, Dennis Nagan, who transformed his city lot, with the help of Wild Ones mentors, into a wildlife habitat for attracting bird, bees, and butterflies. Dennis will outline the transformation process which included much learning and hard work, including installing a pond water feature.  2812 Schaefer Circle, Appleton, 54914

July 2019


Niendorf Prairie

This event has ended
Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
to (Central Time)

Tour this exquisite private prairie restoration at the home of WOFVA charter members Bob and Carol Niendorf. This decades-old, short and tallgrass prairie, is home to native lupines, purple prairie clover, butterfly weed, and much more. Joining this tour will be the Fox Valley Group of Sierra Club.  4024 Marquart Lane, Omro, WI 54963

September 2019


Schultz Prairie

This event has ended
Saturday, September 7th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Wolf River Wild Ones member, Jim Schultz embarked on an ambitious project when he seeded 30 acres of his sandy-soiled farmstead in prairie. Seven years later, the rolling hills are alive with rattlesnake master, liatris, gaura, and a plethora of other native species. Tour this habitat with Jim as our guide. For car-pooling information call WOFVA (920) 572-9540.

October 2019


Seed Collecting Workshop with Connie Ramthun

This event has ended
Saturday, October 19th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Connie Ramthun, native plant expert from the Kettle Moraine region, will teach the collecting, storing, and planting of native wildflower and grass seed. After seed collection and cleaning, participants will have seeds to take home. Pre-registration required.  Registration starts in April. Watch for the sign up sheet in the next newsletter

November 2019


Audubon Partner Meeting / Flying Jewels in the Garden

This event has ended
Thursday, November 21st, 2019
to (Central Time)

Mickey O’Connor, Avian Zookeeper at the Milwaukee County Zoo, will discuss Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and their natural history. She will relate her own experiences banding them, as well as provide information on how to attract these beautiful birds to your home environment.  Evergreen Retirement Community