Our helpful resource listing, an outgrowth of our long-range objective of encouraging area nurseries and landscapers to make native plants and natural landscaping services readily available, showcases natural landscaping/native plants vendors and the products or services they provide. For information or a copy of the booklet contact Wild Ones, [email protected].
Native Plant, Tree & Shrub Sale
2024 Plant Sale Order Form
The order deadline was Sunday, March 31st, 2024 (some plants will be for sale on site)
Native Plant Alternatives Information
Which plants might work for your own growing conditions? We recommend Prairie Nursery for plant ideas. They also have plant listings for certain habitats, such as rain gardens. Any not-for-profit organization is eligible for a discount on plants purchased for use in developing outdoor learning centers and nature areas.
The annual WOFVA plant sale is an opportunity to purchase regionally sourced native forbs, grasses, shrubs and trees at reasonable prices. Proceeds from the sale go to further the environmental mission of the Wild Ones Fox Valley Area Chapter.
For inquiries contact:
Spring Plant Sales: Grace Elonen (715) 817-0529 e-mail
Spring Tree & Shrub Sales: Everett Grosskopf (920) 470-6325
Pick-Up was Saturday, May 18, 2024, 9 AM-2 PM, at the WILD Center

Plant Rescues
The Fox Valley Area Chapter organizes and carries out occasional plant rescues to save native plants that would otherwise be destroyed by construction or other changes in land use. Plant rescues are performed with the permission of the land owner, and in accordance with a set of policies and procedures established by the Chapter. Only members are allowed to participate.
The Dig Chair Coordinator guides and directs all rescue dig activities with the assistance of county dig chairs: [email protected]
County Dig Chairs:
- Outagamie Co: email [email protected]
- Green Lake Co: open
- Waupaca Co: open
- Winnebago Co: Dave Peck (920) 722-0223
- Fond du Lac Co: open
Policies, Procedures and Helpful Information
All Fox Valley Area Wild Ones members agree to a code of ethics prior to participating in any plant rescue activities.
A list of “Dos and Don’ts” describes the overall approach, including identifying sites, obtaining landowner permission, transplant site preparation, etc.
Participant guidelines provide direction for activities on the day of a plant rescue dig. Blank Waiver
How To Get Involved
Members of the Fox Valley Area Chapter are welcome to participate in plant rescue activities. Please read the materials found at http://www.wildones.org/learn/native-plants-and-landscaping/gathering-rescuing-and-propagating/plant-rescues/ After reading all the materials, you’ll be ready to participate in your first plant rescue. You must also sign a liability waiver the day of the plant rescue. See the attached sample. You’ll be notified when a plant rescue is scheduled in your area based on your participant registration form.