

*Paid Class* - Terrestrial Invasive Species Management

This event has ended
Saturday, October 21st, 2023
to (Central Time)
Heckrodt Wetland Preserve, 1305 Plank Rd, Menasha, WI, 54952 Map

Public Welcome Paid Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Instructor: Emma Neuman 

Format: In person 

Date/Time: Saturday, Oct 21, 9am-4pm (1 hour lunch on your own) 

Location: Heckrodt Wetland Reserve 

Elective (6 hours) 

Description: Introduction to terrestrial invasive species, including what they are, how they affect the environment, how they are spread, and understanding WI NR 40 rule. We would then learn common invasive species of Wisconsin followed by a hike around Heckrodt to see a handful of invasive species as well as see if students can point some out. Then a combination of inside and outside learning to understand most of the control methods that are possible and which is best for different situations. Returning to the classroom to go over what making a plan would look like. Finally, going outside to do some service learning and work on whatever seasonal species is available.

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